Animal Success Stories

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"I cannot tell you how much we love Gin Gin and how HE rescued ME from being so depressed after losing my dear cat Felix, who was 18 years old! Gin Gin is the sweetest little cat in the world! I asked Joan, who made the video on Pet Finder that made me drive all the way from Connecticut to the Bronx to get him, and I think it was you! I fell in love with him from that video!! He was so affectionate and gentle with you and reminded me so much of my Felix! All my friends who saw the video said that every cat should have a video like that!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! This little guy has already brought us so much happiness. He's a young guy, and I said maybe we're too old to have a young, indoor cat. How will we entertain him? But he loves to play, especially in this little tunnel chute we got for him that he loves to dive through! 







He loves snuggling and playing with all his toys. We also have a screened-in porch, and he likes to watch the birds and chipmunks. I love when he jumps on my bed in the morning to say good morning, and at night he sleeps in my lap when we're watching TV. We are so so so lucky to have him!! I just adore him! 


He loves his toys, and he has a cat bed right on my desk so he can keep me company when I'm working. Just love him!! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart." 


Georgie Washington


Georgie  was rescued along with 3 other cats from a boiler room apartment building basement in Washington heights where the super wanted them gone immediately. They were likely down there to be mousers, and dumped by tenants at some point, as all of them were super friendly, but not fixed. 
Georgie  was the sweetest right away of the bunch! Here is happy ever after!
"I adopted  Georgie  Washington about 2 months ago now and I just wanted to give you guys an update on how he's been. It was a bit of a rough start as he was apprehensive towards my cat Wildman at first, and didn't want to be near him. They would kind of avoid each other and yell at one another when they met, but it slowly got better and they quieted down a bit as time went on. Then they began to be comfortable enough to eat near each other and eventually would rub up against one another, too. Now they're comfortable enough to chase each other around and wrestle a little bit and then go lay down on the couch or by the window near each other after they've had their fun. They've definitely grown to like each other a good deal, and I think Wildman is happy to have a little brother!  Georgie  does get a little rambunctious and has a lot of energy, but I really do love him a lot. He's such a sweet cat and I'm very happy I got to take him home with me.


As of December 2019: Gabriel has made a remarkable recovery ! His gastric feeding tube is out after 10 weeks, he is full of energy and love, and weighs over 9 pounds! His foster mom continues to provide the utmost wonderful care! 

NEXT UP : Gabriel’s forever home is out there, we will wait until he finds his purrfect place to land his sweet soul!

​BACKSTORY :  Gabriel is a walking angel of sweetness and love!! He rescued him self by walking up to one of our volunteers emaciated and with a flea collar at only 4 pounds of skin and bones , and severe breathing issues. He had no microchip and no missing posters. For all intents and purposes, he was abandoned and helpless. He looked at us as if saying “please help me” For the first month of after his rescue, September 2019,  we tried taking smaller Steps such as antibiotics, humidifier treatment and lots of love.. It became evident that he needed much more care when he wasn’t gaining weight and still couldn’t breath. . In October 2019  we made the decision to take him to the incredible veterinarians at Cornell University veterinary Hospital in Stamford Connecticut. It was there that they immediately knew Gabriel needed A LOT of help and immediately placed him in ICU . After running diagnostics he was found to have a large nasal polyp blocking his airway , and a hiatal hernia causing his stomach to move into his esophagus . As a result of severe malnutrition , he also had anemia , organ function issues , and fragile , weak skin.  We had his nasal polyp removed , gastric feeding tube in place for TEN weeks , in an attempt to fix his stomach back to his abdominal wall . As of December 30th 2019, Gabriel has made an incredible recovery!! 

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